After several Covid-induced postponements, the eagerly-expected vernissages of TEASE – Transatlantic Exhibition of Art in the Southeast staged by The N.C. Zeitgeist Foundation and organized and executed by Curator Johanna Steinz finally took place in Charlotte and Charleston.
The idea of strengthening transatlantic relations by staging a format where young artists from Germany work together with local artists, visit students to experiment with them to create artworks, culminated in two elegant art shows. Charlotte: the vernissage a highlight in the art scene, an all-inclusive: all ethnic origins and age groups (2 – 85 years) were represented; 20 diverse nationalities visited the art exhibition. Its theme “Heimat / Homeland” was originally coined in 2019 to remember the people who 200 years ago left their mother country Mecklenburg-Pomerania to find a new home on this side of the Atlantic and to prepare the ground that many generations later considered the Carolinas their “Heimat / Homeland”. In today’s times of the Ukraine crisis, this topic has gained a completely different meaning and it fervently reminds of the more than 10 mil Ukrainian refugees who have lost their homeland, whose homeland is being senseless destroyed. More fitting into times, an art show cannot be. For more pictures and impressions click here. |
November 2024